Find My Location Now - Get Your Current Address & GPS Coordinates

Discover your exact location instantly with our easy-to-use tool. View your current address, GPS coordinates, and location on a map. Perfect for navigation, travel, or emergencies.

Where am I right now?

For privacy reasons, please use a secure connection to show my current location on OpenStreetMap. You also have to grant access to your location now.

Your location address will include: your country, your state when in the USA, city, zipcode, street name and street number.

This where am I map is static and is centered around your location at the time of the page load. You can also find out your IP location.

My Location Now

Where am I App: Off
My Location Address:
Waiting for location access...
My Location Coordinates:
--.-------, --.-------
Where am I Coordinates:
--°--'-.--" N, --°--'-.--" E

Where am I - Map


Online web based utility which allows you to instantly find your current location on a map.

This 'Where am I' tool uses your device's geolocation capabilities to pinpoint your exact position on an interactive map, providing detailed coordinates and address information.

Purpose and Benefits

Instant Location Detection

Quickly determine your precise geographic location with just a single click, displaying both map visualization and exact coordinates.

Coordinate Formats

View your location in both decimal coordinates and DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds) format for various navigation needs.

Interactive Mapping

Visualize your exact position on an OpenStreetMap interface with clear marking and zoom capabilities.

Live Tracking Option

Enable continuous location tracking to monitor your movement in real-time with regular position updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

The 'Where am I' tool is a web-based utility that uses your browser's geolocation capabilities to determine and display your current geographic location on an interactive map.

The accuracy depends on your device's GPS capabilities and connectivity. In optimal conditions with GPS-enabled devices, accuracy can be within 5-10 meters, while IP-based location is typically accurate to the city level.

Yes, the tool is fully responsive and works on smartphones and tablets. In fact, mobile devices often provide more accurate location data due to their built-in GPS capabilities.

Yes, your location information is processed directly in your browser and is not stored on our servers. We recommend using a secure (HTTPS) connection for additional privacy protection.

Best Practices

  • Allow location access when prompted by your browser for accurate results
  • Use GPS-enabled devices for the most precise location detection
  • Enable the 'track your live location' feature when moving to see real-time updates
  • Try the IP-based location option if you prefer not to share your precise GPS location
  • Refresh your location data periodically if you've moved since loading the page